The Idaho Barley Commission is a self-governing agency of the State of Idaho that serves to enhance the profitability of the Idaho barley growers through research, market development, promotion, information and education programs.

This work is funded by Idaho barley growers through their three and a half cent per hundred weight (3.5₵/cwt) state barley assessment, and is accomplished by identifying and fully utilizing available resources and organizations to promote and further develop the barley industry in the state of Idaho.

Latest Market Reports

The Idaho Grain Market Report is published by the Idaho Barley Commission (IBC) weekly, except for weeks with major holidays. Information and news included is from reliable sources and every effort is made to ensure accuracy on the date of publication, but no independent review has been made and we do not guarantee completeness or accuracy. Use of this information is at your own discretion and risk. In addition, news sources are acknowledged, and content does not reflect the opinions of the Idaho Barley Commission, IBC commissioners or staff.

2024-Idaho Barley By the Numbers Fact Sheet-Dec 12 VERSION 2

Idaho’s altitude, high desert climate and agronomic conditions, including abundant irrigation water, make it an ideal location to grow a consistent, reliable supply of premium-quality barley, highly sought after by the malting industry, as well as for livestock feed and food barley products.

In 2024, Idaho produced 55.59 million bushels of barley on 510,000 harvested acres average yield of 109 bushels per acre.

About 75 percent of Idaho’s barley acres are irrigated giving Idaho growers the ability to manage production and deliver a high-yielding crop that meets contract specs 95 percent of the time – customers can rely on getting excellent quality from year to year.

Historical Production